March 15 - Performance by Hui ʻUkulele a Hōkū This performance will be for Weekend of Art event held in Los Alamitos.
March 23 - Performance by The Guava Groove ʻUkulele Players We are very pleased to offer our dynamic performance once again at the OC Uke Festival at the Dalhi Center in Santa Ana. Tickets for this event are Sold Out.
April 26 - Performance by Kula aʻo ʻUkulele a Hōkū Kula aʻo ʻUkulele a Hōkū will perform from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the South Bay Island Fair in Redondo Beach. The event will be held at the Redondo Beach Masonic Temple at 503 S. Catalina Ave.
May 3 - Performance by Kula aʻo ʻUkulele a Hōkū This is an annual event to support an effort to provide Clean Water for those in need.
August 9 - Performance by The Guava Groove ʻUkulele Players We are looking forward to this event celebrating Grandparents! Our music begins at 10:00 AM and concludes at 10:30AM.
August 23 - Performance by The Guava Groove ʻUkulele Players The Guava Groove ʻUkulele Players will take the stage at the Annual Lāʻau in Huntington Beach. This is a private event.
September 13 - Performance by Hui ʻUkulele a Hōkū A matinee performance for the hula school, Hōkū Maeʻole Polynesiaʻs end of summer show at the Bellflower Auditorium.
September 13 - Performance by The Guava Groove ʻUkulele Players An evening performance for the hula school, Hōkū Maeʻole Polynesiaʻs end of summer show at the Bellflower Auditorium.
September 20 - Open Mic - Kula aʻo ʻUkulele a Hōkū This year Kula aʻo ʻUkulele a Hōkū will be doing a field trip to the International Ukulele Festival in Torrance, CA. Since we are there we may as well sign up for the open mic to do what we love to do! Please come say hello if you are at the festival!
October 10 - Presentation by Kula aʻo ʻUkulele a Hōkū The 25th Anniversary of the Kumukahi ʻUkulele and Hula Competition in Las Vegas. We are thrilled and honored to participate in this very special Hawaiian ʻukulele competition, and are looking forward to meeting all of the other ʻukulele players!
November - Performance by Kula aʻo ʻUkulele a Hōkū We will perform at the fall recital for Leialiʻinani Polynesian Academy. Time and Date TBD